After saying goodbye to Mor and Lars, Mormor dropped me off at my new apartment. My room is much bigger than I was expecting. It has a nice hardwood floor, everything except the desk is white (walls, ceiling, table, closet, curtains etc.) And I have decided that the room will be totally red and white, in true danish spirit. I bought a bunch of red candles, (some of which sit on a white plate that has red hearts on it) and a red heart-shaped alarm clock, red hearts on the walls, red hangers, and soon, my mom's comforter from when she lived here, which is: White with a red heart pattern!

Lars helped me unpack the day before I officially moved in, so I had help decorating and arranging things, plus he tightened some loose bolts for me and helped me vacuum and clean. Best brother ever.
I share a kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms with the 3 other students who live in the apartment. One is called Tom, from New Zealand, (He's gone for the month of Jan though, so I only meet him shortly) Javier from Spain (he and I share a bathroom) and Pernille, who is Danish. They are all very sweet and fun to hang out with. We've watched some movies together, and I am finally able to go out with Javier and his friends tonight, since I just got my train pass yesterday!
The logistics of everything was very stressful at first, it took me a whole day to workout what exactly I had to do. Yesterday I did almost everything: I bought a train ticket to go to Nørreport Station and get pas pictures taken, so that I could buy a really expensive train pass for the month, and then got my rental agreement printed and walked to a government office to register my new address and declare that I have moved back to Denmark, so that I could get a health insurance card, which I needed in order to get a Bank account (!) and a Danish Debit card, which I need to get the kind of SIM card (cell phone service) I want. So tada! I did it all in one day and still had time to buy chocolate milk and gummy candy shaped like "Big tits"

And butts (also piles of shit, not pictured)

The company that makes these candies is called Bonbon and they even have an amusement park with rides that are related to the candies. (for the "dog fart" candy ride, you go through a doghouse and a giant dog farts on you, complete with a sound effects and a smelly gust of wind)
I met a cool girl from Iceland (named Linda) the other day, and she has become my first real friend here. She is also a Psych major, and we have the same stressful and confusing to do list...
While we were walking to the bank the other day we witnessed a piece of Danish Cultural history: a baby buggie parked on the sidewalk outside a store, with a sleeping infant in it. I was surprised that people still do that here, considering that Denmark is starting to loose it's quiet safe nature.

Also, the library we went to in search of printers had large hammocks for students to study in!

Last night I met up with Linda and went to a place called Hornsleth Bar, which was a slightly disturbing themed place, that had more of a night club feel than a bar. It was the first of the biweekly parties held for exchange students with no cover charge and a nice discount on drinks. It looked like there was blood dripping down the walls, and a lot of the pictures on the walls were XXX rated. Not to mention that the bar's logo is female genitalia. But at the same time it was a very cozy and cool place, almost completely lit by large dripping candles lining the walls. We had a lot of fun just approaching and talking to complete strangers, and met a lot of fun people.
We met a couple from Germany who were a lot of fun, and the guy actually looked like a German version of Cornia to the point where it was freaky.