tirsdag den 11. januar 2011


What a cool date. Javier said that today is his friend's birthday, and if you add the numbers in the date, you get her age, and (of course) this works every year!

Today was (finally) my first day attending the language course. I have been moved to Studieskolen instead of the university, which means that I am not taking the course with other students my own age, but rather a room full of very nice people, most of whom seem to have a Danish significant other. "strange..." (I think that's the top reason why people learn Danish.) Luckily we are using the same text books as last time I was here, so I have my old answers written in my book. But I DO want to learn, so I am spending extra time studying the material.

The lady who gave me my placement exam yesterday misunderstood and thought I wanted to take the big weed-out test that you have to pass to get accepted to the university of Copenhagen and study in Danish. I just wanted to figure out what level of course I should be taking to improve. So after the 4hr test, she proceeded to degrade my essay, pointing out how bad it was, and said my written Danish was just not nearly good enough, and that my vocabulary was too small for academic writing. I didn't see how it could be possible to write too poorly in Danish to place into a course that is supposed to teach you to write in Danish, so after a brief explanation on my part, we got things cleared up. Still, she left me in a poor mood.
Luckily, the outlets in my room smiled at me, and so I felt better.
On another note, I thought I'd share Lars' picture exemplifying the new packaging requirements for cigarettes
And here is a true Viking:
Denmark has had frigid temperatures and tons and tons of snow, that never did get plowed or properly shoveled, yet still the mail arrived, via bicycle of course.

Last on today's Agenda: my Neighbor's name:
"Skovmand" = Forrestman
I wonder if his ancestors were known in town as men of the woods, or something? Lars should have that last name... Lars Bjørn Skovmand...

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