fredag den 14. januar 2011

Skandinavian Yoga

THAT, my friends is Sildepostej, in case you were wondering :) mmm, I've had it 3 times today.
Yesterday after class I walked around the area and realized that the building is right by Nyhavn, which is a pretty place to be every day. I walked past the building that I just so happened to have as my desktop background:

Right, so not much new has happened. I got to know some of the girls in my building though, we made dinner together and went to a party for international students, and three of us almost got stranded 3 stops from our building on the way home, so we bonded a bit.
A new metro is being built by the language school, and while they were digging, they found a bunch of ruins and artifacts from the middle ages, so now I walk by an archeological dig every morning. It sounds cool, but there's not much to see.
Tonight I saw a VERY dark comedy as one of the cultural activities for exchange students, and met some of the girls from the building invited me to join them for Scandinavian yoga afterward. I went home and changed, but when I got to the yoga place, they'd split into two groups in different rooms, and because I came a few min too late, I was put in the room WITHOUT all the people I was supposed to meet. So, I laid down on the mat while the instructor tried to get us to reach deep meditation. When he got to the part where he said "everyone close their eyes" (he did too) I made a run for the door and caught the next metro back in time to skype with Kevin.
Speaking of Kevin, he made this the other day: get it? I didn't at first. (Hint, the man is Nik, from Nik og Jay)

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